Women that Fab - An Introduction

Hey everyone!

It’s me Christine! In this blog/video series I’m going to show the process as we learn to use JD Squared products to make things we think are awesome!! See all those exclamation points, there’s lot of excitement spreading in our sales office today! The gals have teamed up to create the Women That Fab, or “wtfjd2” for short (hah!). I know there are women fabricating things with all types of tools. Here, we will try to unite and praise them in one area. The whole thing is going to be great!

The idea began with an evening spent browsing the internet for ideas to decorate my house. In six years we have yet to put up a single decorative item on the walls. I could say that life gets in the way, but, honestly, it’s because of my indecison regarding paint colors. So many options that look *so* different on the walls depending on the time of day. It’s enough to make you go crazy. On that evening of Etsy, I stumbled upon the cutest front door signs. Asking the hubs his thoughts he jokingly says, “I know a guy who has a plasma table. Why don’t you just go make it?”. Oh, right. Should I? Can I? Back at the shop the girls agree to step up. One unicorn later, and the Women That Fab group was started. We’ve even got T-Shirts!

I’m hoping this blog series inspires other women to go out and try metal working. We are brand-spanking new to this endeavor. Heck, my degrees are in nutritional sciences. Follow along to learn from our mistakes! 😉

Finally, if you like the idea of Women That Fab tell us! We want to hear from you! If you have a project suggestion shoot us an email at womenthatfab@jd2.com! If you've tackled a project and love it, show us on Instagram (jdsquaredinc, #wtfjd2)!

On to the projects! First up, those metal door signs…

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